Find out about the progress of the proposals we submitted to Project Catalyst.
Use online platform to role out Coding courses & test to make it easier for developers to learn Cardano languages & coding style. Frequent hackathon, bug bounty program to keep developers engaged.
Launch Aiken online course with interactive coding exercises
Organize the first Hackathon
Organize the First Bug Bounty Program
Regurlar Updates Courses and Competitions
We build a full-feature Aiken IDE to Develop, Build, Run, Test, Deploy smart contracts, that can run standalone or can be integrated in other online system for better developing & learning experiences
Basic Web-based Online IDE Development
Aiken Core Functions
Advanced Aiken E2E Testing and Feedback Integration
We offer an auto-testing framework and online courses & hackathons on Cardano smart contract testing, and practical examples and guidelines for developers to ensure contract security and reliability
Detailed course objectives and goals document, outlining the scope, target audience, and learning outcomes
Structured curriculum with defined modules, topics, and learning activities
Comprehensive learning plan, including lectures, practical exercises, and supporting materials
We will create a mobile version of our Fund11 learning system and publish new courses, organize new hackathons with mobile-friendly content for better Cardano community growth
Initial mobile app, first mobile-friendly Aiken course
Improved moible app, An additional mobile-friendly course, the very first mobile-based Cardano development hackathon
Regular updates with additional courses and hackathons
Develop a platform support run, test, and auto-judge coding for Opshin (Python). Open to the community for self-generated content. Develop comprehensive courses, organize competition and hackathons
Successfully launched beta version of the platform for a limited number of testers from the Cardano community
Comprehensive Learning Library: A complete library of high-quality learning materials encompassing the entire Python/OpShin smart contract development learning path
A well-organized hackathon focused on building Cardano smart contracts using the learning platform and the created course content
We will prepare & publish open database of 1000+ Aiken interactive problems with test cases on our Fund11 learning system and organize month hackathons for next 12 months.
Initial problem set (100 Aiken coding problems), leaderboards and first 2 hackathons (1-2)
Additional Aiken coding problems (problems #101-400), additional 3 hackathons (3-5)
Additional Aiken coding problems (problems #401-700), additional 3 hackathons (6-8)
Final set (problems #701-1000), final hackathon (9-12)